Earth Day Panel: Innovators Creating Sustainable Communities


Mechanics' Institute

San Francisco, CA


Lara Lebeiko

Date & Time:

04.18.2024 | 6:00 pm

Bay Area environmental activists and innovators will convene for an engaging discussion on the future of sustainable communities. Their panel will address new directions of alternative energy, design concepts and production, and resources for diverse communities. The speakers will also offer alternative perspectives of hope, stewardship, and reciprocity with the land.

Join Mithun landscape architect Lara Lebeiko for “Innovators Creating Sustainable Communities” to examine design solutions that holistically address climate, equity, and biodiversity. Lara will draw upon examples such as Casa Adelante at 2060 Folsom and North Richmond Shoreline Living Levee, showcasing innovative approaches to urban ecology, sea level rise adaption, and fostering environmental equity.

Additional presenters include Just Design founder and director Quinlin Messenger, San Jose University environmental studies professor Dustin Mulvaney, and Professor of Environmental Studies at San Jose State University. The talk will be moderated by Topakian Communications founder Karen Topakian, and esteemed poet Aileen Cassinetto will perform a reading of excerpts from “Dear Human at the Edge of Time,” an award-winning climate change anthology.

Date Posted: 04.18.2024