Learning from Reciprocity: Deaf-led School Design


A4LE Washington Chapter Conference

Spokane, WA


JoAnn Hindmarsh Wilcox

Date & Time:

06.15.2024 | 9:45 am–10:45 am

For Deaf students—students who learn primarily through their visual access—it is vitally important to learn together in a community where language is accessible to all and sharing information is culturally ingrained. DeafSpace design is about physical and emotional wellbeing, centering the Deaf experience and honoring Deaf culture. The Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth (CDHY) is currently undertaking a significant new mass-timber K-12 academic and athletic replacement project on the historic Washington School for the Deaf campus, where direct input of students, staff, and community guided design development.

Join Mithun partner JoAnn Hindmarsh Wilcox for “Learning from Reciprocity: Deaf-led School Design” to learn how the progressive design-build team Skanska + Mithun partnered with the Washington School for the Deaf community to co-create spaces that provides engaging, Deaf-centric learning environments tailored to ASL-English bilingual education, that leverages mass-timber to reduce embodied carbon and support occupant wellbeing—reducing stress, improving daylighting, and increasing engagement in a conducive, home-like learning environment.

Additional presenters include the Center for Hard of Hearing Youth executive director Shauna Bilyeu and Skanska project executive Alan Halleck.

Date Posted: 06.14.2024