Are We There Yet?


Park(ing) Day 2024

Seattle, WA


Sandra Girgis, Koushik Srinath, Monserratt Cortés Macías and Aditi Shreedhar

Date & Time:

09.20.2024 | 10:00 am–4:00 pm

Park(ing) Day is a global, public, participatory project where people across the world temporarily repurpose curbside parking spaces and convert them into public parks and social spaces to advocate for safer, greener and more equitable streets for people. It began as a guerilla art project and act of design activism in a single parking space, and has grown into a global movement, inspiring the creation of “parklets” and COVID-era “streeteries” in cities across the United States and beyond.

Join us for this unique opportunity to engage in dialog about how our cities are designed and built. The Mithun Seattle parklet will be located near our Pier 56 office at the base of Harbor Steps at 1220 Western Avenue. Join us to learn more about Park(ing) Day, with free interactive games, seating areas to enjoy the city, and opportunities to learn more about transit and mobility options around town. Experience and envision a Connected Future!

Date Posted: 09.20.2024