Facilitating Community through Digital and Physical Channels


SCUP Pacific Regional Conference

Seattle, WA


Elizabeth MacPherson

Date & Time:

03.20.2017 | 8:30 am – 9:30 am

The nature of community on campus is changing amidst the growth of digital networks, social media and globalization, affecting how we create and support new vibrant communities. “Facilitating Community through Digital and Physical Channels” will explore the implications to the design and operations of student campuses through research, case studies and discussion.

Mithun Principal Elizabeth MacPherson will discuss opportunities that arose with new information gleaned from case studies and post-occupancy evaluations for projects completed at the University of Washington and University of California, Irvine.

Elizabeth will be joined by Melissa Falkenstien, Director of Capital Projects and Asset Management at the University of California, Irvine.

Date Posted: 03.20.2017