Confronting Power and Privilege


APA National Planning Conference

Online Event


Erin Christensen Ishizaki

Date & Time:

05.06.2021 | 4:00 pm–4:45 pm (Central Time)

Planning has a significant role to play in creating a more equitable society. Health equity means that all people have equal opportunity to quality and length of life—and it is largely influenced by decisions made throughout the planning, policy, real estate and design fields in the built environment. Panelists from health, design and planning explore how confronting power and privilege can meld with everyday planning and design practice to transform the way we work. Delve into the elements of power and privilege that surface in planning, real estate, and infrastructure and the trickle-down health equity effects. Identify key pivot moments that have an outsized impact on health equity outcomes and the actors and decision makers that are involved throughout project delivery.

Join Mithun partner Erin Christensen Ishizaki for “Confronting Power and Privilege” to learn about Centering Health Equity, a beta action framework for practitioners to critically challenge everyday practice, built on nine months of field research and practice insights. Attendees will test and open source this framework through an interactive exercise. The foundation of this research is on centering health equity to reduce inequities through everyday decisions of planners to advance inclusive communities—addressing the full lifecycle of real estate and infrastructure.

Erin’s co-presenters include City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability assistant planner Hanna Osman, U.S. Green Building Council director of health research Kelly Worden, and Verge Impact Partners principal consultant Vedette Gavin.

Date Posted: 05.06.2021