Capitol Hill EcoDistrict: Exploring the Integration of Health and Public Life Planning


Greater & Greener

Seattle, WA


Debra Guenther, Jake Minden

Date & Time:

06.24.2024 | 2:15 pm–5:15 pm

This mobile workshop highlights Capitol Hill’s EcoDistrict. Set in the most densely populated urban village in the Pacific Northwest, the EcoDistrict partners with various community stakeholders, including residents, small businesses, community organizations, City agencies and major institutions. Over the past two decades, Capitol Hill has faced unprecedented growth spurred by a new light rail station and proximity to South Lake Union, one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in the country.

Join Mithun partner Deb Guenther and associate Jake Minden, and Capitol Hill EcoDistrict executive director Donna Moodie for “Capitol Hill EcoDistrict: Exploring the Integration of Health and Public Life Planning,” a guided tour of the neighborhood, to hear about their innovative community-centered approach to engagement, see public art installations (including a rain garden) and learn about actions taken to address disparities in pedestrian/vehicle safety, heat island and access to green space.

Date Posted: 06.24.2024