Leveraging Transit and TOD for Innovative Infrastructure


Green Infrastructure Summit of the Salish Sea

Bothell, WA


Debra Guenther

Date & Time:

03.14.2025 | 2:30pm-3:15pm

Sound Transit is working with the cities of Lynnwood and Everett, Snohomish County and the Puget Sound Regional Council through a Model Code Partnership to develop and implement a Transit-Oriented Development Toolkit in preparation for the Everett Link Extension, which will add seven new light rail stations. Mithun is leading development of the Resilient Infrastructure and Green Building chapter of the TOD Toolkit, which focuses on integrated water management, healthy urban forests and biodiversity net gain.

Join Mithun partner Deb Guenther for “Leveraging Transit and TOD for Innovative Infrastructure,” a panel presentation that will explore opportunities to leverage significant public and private investment in regional growth centers to implement innovative green infrastructure systems.

Debra’s co-panelists include Sound Transit’s high-capacity transit development manager Miranda Redinger and Snohomish County senior planner Matthew Siddons.


Date Posted: 03.14.2025