
UC San Diego Mesa Nueva graduate student housing has won a DBIA National 2019 Design-Build Merit Award! Well done, Hensel Phelps and our stellar design-build team. It’s been a fantastic experience partnering on this amenity-rich living-learning community for 1,355 students, and all phases of #OneMesa. 📷: @brucedamonte

Posted: 08.09.2019


Designed as a community front porch, the courtyard at Liberty Bank Building stores rainwater and provides residents with a relaxing way to come and go each day. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the site as home of the first black-owned bank west of the Mississippi, opened in 1968. The “history” portal marks the point of entry, built with bricks and safety-deposit box number plates that were salvaged from the original bank building. Drum-shaped benches by artist Esther Ervin are inspired by the significance of drums in African culture, often used in weddings, funerals and other special events. 📷: @k7scott

Posted: 07.31.2019


Thanks to everyone that came out for the recent launch party and book-signing to celebrate the release of “Gordon Walker: A Poetic Architecture” at @petermillerbooks! The beautiful book captures Gordon’s remarkable body of work, beloved personality, mentorship of generations of designers, and influence on the evolution of Pacific Northwest regional architecture and modernism. We feel lucky to have him among us.

Posted: 07.19.2019


Trends and Challenges in Live, Work, Play

Connect Bay Area 2019

San Francisco, CA



Book Launch: “Gordon Walker: A Poetic Architecture”

Peter Miller Books

Seattle, WA



A water runnel meanders through the new Louisiana Children’s Museum landscape and opens up to the "Hummock Hop”—a place for jumping, splashing and tracking the footprints of wild marsh animals. Wild animals have already moved into the new marsh and we look forward to children exploring these spaces when the new museum opens August 31! 📷: Christian Runge

Posted: 07.02.2019