Elizabeth Hearn



Elizabeth is a designer who knows how to translate visionary thinking into action by anticipating clients’ needs and considering each step in relation to the outcome. She possesses a keen awareness of sensory experiences and how people move through daily life that enables the melding of interior design into the architecture. She brings a knowledge of sustainable materials that creates long term value for public and private sector clients. Elizabeth is a strong listener and her interest in physiology translates to places people feel connected to immediately.

Elizabeth lectures nationally about the relationship of health to biophilia - the innate, sensory connection people have with our natural world. Her partnership with Mithun’s architecture and landscape architecture team members ensures a consistent feel from streetscape to built form and interior design for each project. Her integrated designs have won numerous awards at the regional and national level.


  • University of Oregon — Bachelor of Interior Architecture

Memberships And Accreditations

  • American Society of Interior Designers