Exploring Mission Bay
San Francisco, CA
Date & Time:
02.27.2016 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Please join project architect Malcolm Harris for a tour of 1180 Fourth Street as part of Exploring Mission Bay: Past, Present & Future. 1180 Fourth Street marks a gateway to Mission Bay South, housing and providing a rich program of services for 150 low income and formerly homeless individuals and families.
Hosted by SF Housing Action Coalition and Walk SF, this walking tour through Mission Bay will offer an overview of the development of this emerging and rapidly changing neighborhood. Tour guides and presenters include local residents, architects, developers, planners and landscape architects.
Read more: https://mithun.com/news/event/exploring_mission_bay_past_present_future/#ixzz47v7XMfrM
Date Posted: 02.27.2016