Tribal Green Summit
Snoqualmie, WA
Richard Franko and Dakota Keene
Date & Time:
03.08.2016 | 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
How does one connect building and site to create a true sense of place and tribal identity? Strategies for creating a meaningful connection between building and landscape will be explored through connections to natural systems, ecological restoration and traditional cultural plantings, indoor-outdoor permeability and recognition of tribe specific traditions.
Join Mithun’s Richard Franko and Dakota Keene for Landscape, Buildings, and Integrated Sustainable Design at the 2016 Tribal Green Summit as they look at how integrated design creates total environments. This session will explore design case studies including the Wanapum Heritage Center, Suquamish Museum, proposed Squaxin Island Community Center, the Queen Lili’uokalani Trust Hale Nui project, Tulalip Tribes Vision Plan and Administration Building.
Date Posted: 03.08.2016