Regenerative, Inclusive Development

University District Next Generation Conceptual Plan

Spokane, WA

Rewild: Nature-based Green Infrastructure

Urban development, climate change, and extreme heat have degraded river health, increased runoff and reduced habitats. Rewilding efforts integrate bioretention and riparian buffers to improve water quality, restore habitats and reduce heat. Nature-based solutions will support biodiversity, strengthen ecosystem resilience and promote healthier urban environments.

Rise Together: Rehab and Adaptive Reuse

Historic redlining has limited reinvestment. The plan supports legacy businesses and rehabilitation of historic buildings with maker space and incubators. Active frontages enhance street-level vibrancy and pedestrian experience, while infill developments will integrate diverse housing options and thoughtful growth which reflects the UD’s history.

Reveal and Learn: A Living Legacy

Decades of disinvestment in UD and East Central created inequities and weakened ties to downtown, the Medical District, and I-90 communities. The Legacy Loop and improved trails will foster investment and connectivity. Interactive exhibits, interpretive signage and public spaces will honor history, linking past and future while promoting sustainable growth.

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