
Modular Mass Timber Housing

TallWood Design Institute Mass Timber Meetup

Online Event



The design of 200 Occidental honors the neighborhood’s historical character, while presenting a modern, deeply green interpretation that celebrates the adjacent park. The building creates a reflective backdrop to Occidental Park’s canopy of London Plane trees, and features inviting retail and lobby entries to activate the building edge and pedestrian experience. 📷: @k7scott

Posted: 09.02.2021


Located in the heart of Seattle’s historic Pioneer Square, the contemporary, eight-story building houses @Weyerhaeuser corporate headquarters above street-level retail. High above the tree canopy, rooftop meeting rooms, gathering spaces and gardens offer panoramic views of the city and Elliott Bay. 📷: @k7scott

Posted: 09.02.2021


The composed, high-performance glass façade at 200 Occidental highlights the indoor/outdoor relationship between the office and adjacent park. Masonry brick “shoulders” wrap around the other three façades, creating a respectful relationship with the building’s historic neighbors. LEED Platinum certified. 📷: @k7scott

Posted: 09.02.2021


At 1036 Mission, the c-shaped building wraps around a serene second-level courtyard that provides protected play space for children and abundant daylight to common areas, corridors and units. A eucalyptus log play structure inspires children’s imagination and brings biophilic benefits to the dense, urban environment. 📷: @brucedamonte

Posted: 08.27.2021


A forty-foot skylight brings abundant natural light into mid-block common areas—saving energy and creating delightful social spaces at the heart of 1036 Mission, affordable housing in San Francisco’s SOMA West neighborhood. 📷: @brucedamonte

Posted: 08.27.2021