
The iconic Robert Frost Auditorium at Culver City High School has been recognized for excellence in historic preservation including a 2020 Los Angeles Conservancy Preservation Award and a California Preservation Foundation Preservation Design Award for Rehabilitation. The Conservancy calls the 1960s thin shell concrete structure “one of the most breathtaking Modern buildings ever designed.” . Learn more about the unique building and conservation approaches used in its rehabilitation within a California Preservation Foundation presentation 12:00 PM PST TODAY by partners Hsinming Fung and Craig Hodgetts. Register for free: https://californiapreservation.org/events/awards-2020/ 📷: @patrikgiardino

Posted: 10.13.2020


Conservation Approaches to Historic Buildings

California Preservation Foundation

Online Event



Robert Frost Auditorium Wins Two Preservation Awards

The iconic auditorium at Culver City High School has been recognized for excellence in historic preservation by local and statewide award programs.



We were honored to work with Sanctuary Studios to bring their vision of a personalized, high-tech wellness studio to life. Today, on the anniversary of their opening, @meet_sanctuary is donating all sales to another local, visionary organization, Yoga Behind Bars (@yogabehindbars). YBB is a local, Seattle-based nonprofit and national leader in trauma-informed yoga service, dedicated to bringing yoga and meditation to prisons, jails and detention centers. Since 2008, they have equipped thousands of incarcerated youth and adults with practical, restorative tools to change their lives from the inside out. It’s a good day to invest in yourself and our community! #DesignforPositiveChange 📷: @le.segal

Posted: 10.08.2020


Designing Healthy and Green Affordable Housing

NH&RA COVID-19 Member Town Hall

Online Event



Activating Young Minds and Resilience through Outdoor Learning

How can we strengthen outdoor learning opportunities to extend school operations and address limitations of digital learning models? Six case studies offer replicable strategies for schools to enrich academic performance, maximize resilient operations and foster environmental stewardship.
