
UCI Middle Earth Towers Wins Two DBIA Awards

The Hensel Phelps | Mithun design-build team earns multiple honors in the Design-Build Institute of America’s (DBIA) Western Pacific Region awards program.



Memorable landscapes are woven throughout the Verano 8 graduate student housing community at @UCIrvine. Environments range from a highly activated plaza at the site’s front porch, to intimately scaled outdoor rooms between buildings that create visual interest and opportunities for respite. Along these paths, shade structures create an oasis for casual conversation and quiet study, ensuring comfort during warmer summer months. Design-build project delivery in association with @HenselPhelps. Image:

Posted: 05.28.2020


Building Design: Design for Health After the Pandemic

LF20 Summit: The New Resilience

Online Event



Our team has been having fun playing Exquisite Corpse, a collaborative drawing game developed by surrealist artists in the 1920s. Each participant adds to the overall composition by creating a body segment with only a sliver of context from the preceding effort—resulting in unique and often humorous combinations. Even while working separately in our homes, we can draw/paint/collage together and strengthen our creative community. Enjoy! . Artists, image 01: Chelsey Morar (head), Thom Emrich (torso), Katelyn Koch (legs); image 02: Alexis Aoyama (head), Annie Rummelhoff (torso), Chelsey Morar (legs); image 03: Thom Emrich (head), Emily Hagen (torso), Annie Rummelhoff (legs)

Posted: 05.21.2020


Aging Mindfully at Enso Village

San Francisco Zen Center shares the vision behind Enso Village, the first Zen-inspired senior living community in the west.
