
Maker labs open doors to STEM careers. Currently under construction at Seattle University, the new Center for Science and Innovation aims to break down academic silos in sciences and engineering, and to make STEM learning relevant to the entire student population by placing the disciplines within a welcoming, student-centered hub for social gathering and events. The staffed innovation lab is an interdisciplinary and inclusive environment that encourages curiosity and exploration among all students to activate more diverse student engagement with the sciences. Learn more in a new ideas post: https://mithun.com/2019/12/09/how-maker-labs-can-open-doors-to-stem-careers/ (clickable link in bio)

Posted: 12.12.2019


How Maker Labs Can Open Doors to STEM Careers

Hands-on maker spaces introduce opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math to new audiences that might not otherwise consider them.



Schacht Aslani Architects has joined Mithun's integrated design practice. We have a long history of complementary expertise and professional collaboration, and this new union leverages the knowledge and client work of both firms to deliver complex projects of scale throughout the West Coast and beyond. http://mithun.com/schachtaslani/ (clickable link in bio) 📷: Doug J Scott

Posted: 12.04.2019


Want Resilient Cities and Structures? Have a Plan. Architectural Products magazine recently turned to Mithun for insights into resilience planning to address flooding, storms and extreme heat. Check out the article for highlights from that conversation and featured case studies of Louisiana Children’s Museum and Edison Eastlake neighborhood planning in Phoenix. https://www.arch-products.com/case-study/retaining-water (clickable link in bio) 📷: Webb Bland

Posted: 11.27.2019


2019 Mithun Promotions

We are pleased to announce staff promotions in our Seattle and San Francisco offices.



Healthy Designs for Healthy Minds


Atlanta, GA
