
I scream, you scream, we all scream for… ICE CREAM! With the temperature nearing 90 degrees today, our Seattle office enjoyed a refreshing visit from the Mithun ice cream cart. Happy summer from all of us at Pier 56!

Posted: 08.29.2019


What a wonderful Seattle Design Festival Block Party weekend! Thanks to the many hands who contributed to and influenced patterns in our installation, “In Knots,” which celebrates how many individual actions come together to collectively influence our environment. Kudos to everyone behind this year’s active and inspiring experience: @dipseattle, @seadesignfest, participating organizations and our own design team: Sarah Reynolds, Stephanie Onuaja, Chris Reeh, Rosemarie Gregoire, Lake Lewis and Brendan Connolly. #designBALANCE

Posted: 08.26.2019


The Huxley is nominated for the 2019 Seattle Design Review People's Choice Award in Urban Design Excellence! Located on a gateway site to the West Seattle Junction neighborhood, The Huxley provides transit-oriented housing density at a neighborhood scale. Inspiration for the building’s massing, detailing and material choices was derived from the site’s connection to the West Seattle steel industry. A generous ground-level setback defines a raised walkway at the live/work units, inviting passers-by to linger and explore the shops. 📷: @k7scott Cast your ballot in person at the Seattle Design Festival Block Party at Lake Union Park (860 Terry Ave N) this weekend, August 24 & 25, 10am – 7pm! For those out of the area, we’ll share online voting information when available.

Posted: 08.23.2019


Wisdom and Whimsey
