National Nordic Museum was recognized with an Award of Merit at the 2019 AIA Northwest & Pacific Region Design Awards. Congrats to @thenordicmuseum and the entire design team!
Posted: 09.25.2019
National Nordic Museum was recognized with an Award of Merit at the 2019 AIA Northwest & Pacific Region Design Awards. Congrats to @thenordicmuseum and the entire design team!
Posted: 09.25.2019
What a day! Mithun is committed to supporting ecosystem vitality, human health and resilience in our work every day. Today, we paused to participate in the #ClimateStrike, standing with colleagues and global youth in support of climate action. Sharing some highlights from our offices in Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. #DesignforPositiveChange #StandwithGreta #FridaysforFuture
Posted: 09.20.2019
Mithun is committed to supporting ecosystem vitality, human health & resilience every day. Today, our offices are participating in the #ClimateStrike & standing with global youth in support of climate action. Join us! #DesignforPositiveChange #StandwithGreta #FridaysforFuture
Posted: 09.20.2019
We are excited to participate in PARK(ing) Day as part of Alleyways Alive tonight in San Francisco! Our Hygro Rays installation manifests the interplay between relative humidity and materiality. Wood grain orientation, shape, size and wood species all impact how humidity causes the wood to change form over time. Come and check out how this invisible force transforms material and brings life to the alleyway. The event runs from 7pm – 10pm tonight (Sept 20th) at Fern Alley (Between Polk and Larkin).
Posted: 09.20.2019
Beating the Heat—How Developers and Cities Are Mitigating Heat Island Impacts
2019 ULI Fall Meeting
Washington, DC
Attending #ULIFall Mtg in DC? Join us for âBeating the Heat,â Fri 9/20 @ 10am. The special program explores new research from @UrbanLandInst and case studies that address extreme heat while advancing human health, social cohesion & #resilience. #Scorched
Posted: 09.19.2019
In our latest ideas post, “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” Kelly Rodriguez shares insights into the making of a new book about the architecture and life of Mithun consulting principal Gordon Walker. Check it out:
Posted: 09.17.2019
UC Irvine Middle Earth Expansion Opens at the Heart of Campus
The significant new residential and student-life center introduces higher density housing, dining, learning and amenity spaces along the central campus Ring Road.
The green roof atop Heartline’s timber office building features drifts of plant material to create a pattern similar to that of wood grain. Where the roof slopes, creating areas of greater soil volume, large perennials and shrubs are planted to give more seasonal color. In contrast, drifts of river cobble and sedums create patterns in the shallowest portions of the roof. Set within the planted wood grain are outdoor gathering spaces for the office building’s users. Learn more about the landscape design—from rooftop amenities to the public courtyard below—at this transit-oriented development in Portland’s Pearl District in our latest ideas post: “The Heartwood and the Seedling: Portland’s Pearl District Grows More Public Realm.” (clickable link in bio) 📷: @k7scott
Posted: 09.16.2019
Heartlineâs landscape sets the project apart and ties it into the surrounding neighborhood as a whole. Landscape architect Dorothy Faris shares how in âThe Heartwood and the Seedling: Portlandâs Pearl District Grows More Public Realm.â
Posted: 09.16.2019