Featured Ideas

Universities Adapt to Serve the Next Generation

Universities are responding to economic and enrollment challenges with initiatives to expand access to affordable campus housing that supports student priorities, reduces their carbon footprint and enriches the surrounding neighborhood fabric.

Posted: 08.05.2024


Take Their Word for It: Reflections from our 2024 Interns

Student interns are an important part of the culture at Mithun. Two interns share their experiences working with our integrated teams.



Advancing Park Design with Progressive Design-Build Delivery

Design-build delivery offers many opportunities to deliver parks projects on budget, on schedule and with design excellence by restructuring the design and construction process.



Centering Equity, Reconciliation and Community in Coastal Adaptation

Coastal adaptation can have far-reaching benefits for communities, prompting critical evaluation of design and planning processes, and leading to important shifts in the systems that shape the built environment.



Climate Approaches: Heat Resilience

Extreme heat, whether in the form of rising long-term average temperatures or punctuated by heat waves, is a global health threat. Learn how Mithun’s designers are addressing climate and health impacts of rising heat through innovative design strategies, R+D and real-world project applications.



Innovation Hall Breaks New Ground in Partnerships and Processes

Mithun and Lease Crutcher Lewis leveraged progressive design-build delivery to create a new STEM facility for Cascadia College and the University of Washington Bothell that brings people together around shared mission, goals and objectives.



Highlights from the AIA Conference on Architecture

It was fantastic to celebrate with friends, colleagues and collaborators at the AIA Conference on Architecture in San Francisco this month!



Sea2City: Decolonizing Design Practice

Key to the Mithun+One team approach to the Sea2City Design Challenge is the integration of First Nations knowledge and values through a process centering decolonization. This ideas post focuses on our process and reflections, and is the first in a series about the collaborative effort to create a vision and pilot projects for coastal adaptation at Vancouver’s False Creek.



An Exemplary Model for Sustainable Schools

The Bush School’s new net-zero energy Upper School is the first Passive House certified school in the state and the first Salmon Safe certified school in the nation.



Team Anywhere: Atlassian Explores New Ways of Working in the Hybrid World

In the wake of the pandemic, Atlassian is embracing what could be the new norm, the office as a cultural hub. Committed to a hybrid work model and with a work force across the globe, the company prioritized social connection in their new workspace.



Advancing Positive Change through Pro Bono Design

As part of our commitment to support social equity, Mithun provides pro-bono design services to underserved communities by partnering with local grassroots organizations. Learn about recent projects.
