Educating Tomorrow’s Engineers

Engineering Training Center

Silicon Valley, CA

Cultivating Talent

This interior renovation advances the initiative to recruit more women in technology. An innovative mix of training, gathering and work spaces support diverse program needs, including the company’s six-month training program for women in technology, immersive training for new hires and daily continuing education programs for existing employees.

Energizing Work and Education

To enhance the success of these training programs, the design incorporates a range of settings tailored for group learning and individual recharge, with carefully tuned lighting, air quality and ergonomics. The building is bisected by diagonal corridors—a wood portal connecting people with active spaces and amenities including the café and lounge, and a secondary spine linking training and work zones with a series of small eddies for quiet work and break-out meetings.

Transforming Space with Color and Light

Throughout the building, graphics, color and daylight assist navigation and energize learning. Multiple skylights introduce natural light within interior spaces.

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