A Resilient Urban Desert Community

City of Phoenix Edison-Eastlake One Vision Plan

Phoenix, AZ

Cooling the Urban Heat Island

This Choice Neighborhoods Plan transforms existing public housing sites—where nighttime surface temperatures are often above 90 degrees—into a walkable community with cool places of respite. Designed alongside a health impact assessment, robust community engagement and research, the plan promotes a healthy lifestyle and more resilient, safe environment.

Multi-Generational, Transit-Connected Community

A range of housing choices throughout the neighborhood support inter-generational families, and vacant lots become activated and flourish. The plan maximizes light rail station access with new bike facilities, well-lit pedestrian paseos and mobility investments.

Embracing Culture, History and Food

As the oldest African American neighborhood in Phoenix, that history and a multitude of cultures are embraced through public art, programs and design. A new 20th Street cultural corridor is activated with a food hub and business incubator spaces. The plan was a catalyst to secure a HUD implementation grant and advance community development.

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