New Vision for an Historic District

South Downtown Vision

Seattle, WA

A Grand Idea

Mithun assisted a group of property owners in Seattle’s Pioneer Square to define a comprehensive vision that transforms the historic district into a thriving residential community for families of all incomes. Developed over 10 months of workshops, the concept adds more than 8,000 new housing units close to the downtown core and transportation hubs, revitalizes existing buildings, supports retail businesses and reduces dependency on vehicles and highways.

Potential Building Blocks

The plan’s concept sketches present an inspired starting point for discussion, encouraging future collaboration between city and county officials, agencies and owners. Key elements include transformation of the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 46 and the former Washington Oregon Shippers Cooperative Association sites. Residential buildings replace parking lots inside Pioneer Square and east of the neighborhood, and Pier 48 becomes a hotel. The waterfront gains a new park and a new terminal for auto ferries.

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