Enriching Community through Diversity

Washington State University Olympia Avenue Student Housing

Pullman, WA

Innovative Student Integration

The first new student housing development on the Pullman campus since 1972, the Olympia Avenue facility establishes a progressive direction for student community and sustainable performance. The building integrates eight different room types, and both upper and lower division undergraduate students to create a uniquely diverse residential community that fosters mentorship and learning.

Collaboration and Learning

A major design goal was to create active and passive spaces for collaboration and learning. Each floor contains a mix of lounges tailored for quiet group study or social gatherings, and inviting stairs connect students across levels.

Sustainable Values Made Visible

The University’s sustainable values are demonstrated throughout the building and site. Features include stormwater raingardens, heating and cooling using geothermal wells, sun shading devices, natural daylighting, environmentally responsible materials and indoor air strategies. Building signage and building performance dashboards guide sustainable decision-making.

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