Smart Growth for Coyote Valley
Coyote Valley Vision Plan
San Jose, CA
Fostering Economic and Social Vitality
The Coyote Valley Vision Plan demonstrates an alternative to business-as-usual suburban sprawl. It illustrates myriad benefits of a compact, transit-oriented, mixed-use community, organized around a grid of streets and blocks, and a framework of parks and open spaces integrated with flood control. As planned, the site accommodates 80,000 new residents and 50,000 new jobs.
Balancing Density and Open Space
The plan incorporates diverse building types at various densities, together with design guidelines to establish each district’s scale and character. By increasing average density to a level that could sustain transit and walkable communities, the plan preserves 2/3 of the land for recreational open space and urban agriculture.
Vibrant, Transit-oriented Neighborhoods
The town is composed of several neighborhoods, each with its own park, school and local retail. A new Coyote Valley Town Center links a new Caltrain Station with an extension of the VTA Light Rail.