Sustainable Integrated Design

we harness synergy between disciplines and practice areas to create meaningful places

At Mithun, design is a holistic, interdisciplinary pursuit encompassing architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design and planning. Our integrated team employs shared research and collaboration to explore the boundaries of high performance building and site design. Our process honors the identity of places—culture, history and ecology—with a reverence for the characteristics that make each unique.

We consider connections and opportunities beyond property lines and zoning envelopes, from human health and social cohesion to low impact development and district energy and transportation strategies. This ideation across scales enables our design teams to create cities, campuses and places that strengthen organizations, build communities and elevate the human spirit. Our team always seeks the best return on investments for our clients—economically, socially, environmentally and artistically. We strive to create positive change through these explorations, delivering enduring value that raises the quality of life for individuals and entire communities.



We create experiences, not objects

Our team of architects and integrated design disciplines approaches every new project with this core value in mind, designing through the lens of the user to create immersive and engaging experiences. We view architecture as a reflection of the needs and goals of each client—a vehicle to amplify the mission and values of organizations and communities. We devote our energy to the design of spaces with the greatest impact in people’s daily lives—where they live, work and learn. Our integrated practice incorporates a broad spectrum of public and private work, and reflects a deep commitment to human-centered, sustainable design and social equity.

Our building designs are informed by context and place—from repurposing site-felled trees as building finish to district scale urban strategies that are inspired and informed by pre-development ecology and hydrologic cycles. Each project is an opportunity to reveal new design potential and technical innovation that is relevant to the client, place, and user. We couple this empathic design approach with a passion for technical rigor to create high performing built spaces that inspire and endure. We believe that clear and simple forms, combined with smart daylighting, well-proportioned spaces, and honest expression of structure and materials, create buildings that gracefully stand the test of time.


Interior Design

enriching lives, Expanding Potential

The 21st century American spends more than 85% of their life indoors. While this is an eye-opening statistic, we see this as a tremendous opportunity. We believe that space can inspire new connections—between people and ideas, present and future, building and place—and in so doing, enrich the human experience. In today’s rapidly-changing world, it’s essential that interior environments gracefully accommodate and propel evolving activities, technologies and goals. Our designers work in multidisciplinary teams to craft spaces that engage communities, promote human health and wellness, and help organizations thrive.

Our interior design team works in all phases and scales of design, from visioning and programming to concept and design development, detailed specifications, construction and post-occupancy evaluations. Listening is core to our approach. We bring curiosity and creativity to each effort, weaving together an understanding of context, vision and needs with expertise and rigorous analysis to develop innovative spaces that perform at the highest levels and are a unique reflection of each client’s vision for the future.

Landscape Architecture

Regeneration Across Scales

Landscape architecture is integral to the aspirations and potential of each project, and our process and design approach responds specifically to the conditions of each place. This translates to public spaces that are beloved, with facilities fully integrated into their surroundings and activities that catalyze healthier neighborhoods.

Our work ranges from urban to rural contexts, and from large-scale open space master planning to ergonomically-responsive site design—creating comfortable spaces for residents, visitors and staff to use each day. We offer expertise in courtyards on structure, vegetated roof systems and deep green stormwater infrastructure to resilient design for flood management, maintenance plans and pedestrian- and bike-friendly street design. Our projects have been recognized for design quality, sustainable performance and community responsiveness.

Render depicting aerial of NE 85th Station Area Plan in Kirkland, Washington.

Urban Design and Planning

An integrated Approach

The 21st century has been called “the urban century”, with cities at the center of our collective economic, environmental and social well-being. Mithun’s urban design and planning practice develops plans and strategies that seize on these opportunities, creating value and improving outcomes for all. Our integrated approach leverages the firm’s experience at multiple scales, yielding plans and strategies that are both ambitious and achievable.

Our portfolio spans key themes facing cities today, from transit-oriented development and ecodistricts to the role of health equity, resilience and the changing nature of live/work in shaping our cities. Working across sectors and client types, we create innovative solutions by actively listening, collaboratively exploring possibilities and building a vision and a set of strategies that can inspire action.